Sunday 27 January 2013

The lemons are out of the bag

My four lemon seedlings are still growing, but they were starting to push against the crinkled edges of their freezer bag greenhouse; in fact I think one of them lost a leaf this way. So yesterday I decided to take them out of the greenhouse, and to put them into seperate pots.
Well, here's three of them straight after. The other one flopped right over onto its side and laid on the compost - I thought it was a gonner. And then one of the others did the same thing. Those two have been sat on top of the radiator for a day now, and I'm pleased to say they've bucked up their ideas.
No one's looking sad like this now.

Little Clementine is still fine. Keith and Mick haven't done anything of late....

Saturday 19 January 2013

It's cold outside...

It's covered with snow outside today and it's generally cold. Feels like nothing is growing or wanting to do very much, so there has not been a lot of action with my pip growing.

As far as the clementine piplets go, only one has germinated, so I guess it's just Clementine the clementine now. One of her seedling leaves had been knocked off by the plastic bag greenhouse so I've decided to bring her out into the open air and put her on a window sill.

Again this silly website insists on putting my photo on its side and I have no idea how to rotate it around.

 On the avocado front, Mick is starting to crack... ever so slowly. He really is a late developer. Keith is a nut of two halves, and is growing... but nothing has grown beyond the safety of the nut area, so it's not really like he's speeding away either.

Thursday 3 January 2013

New Year, New Shoots

After the Christmas festivities and so on, I took a look in my plastic bag greenhouses - things are starting to happen! So far it appears that the lemons are more successful than the piplets (clementines). I have four lemon shoots - one from each lemon pip seemingly, so I'm still not sure about Keith's comment that you can get several plants from one pip.... in the meantime on the piplet/clementine front there is only one shoot so far.

On non-pip growing news, my lemon tree has had a proper wobbly over Christmas. It has one leaf left. I suspect its days are numbered now. Sadly.